1. |
| Moram, Dr MA | Imperial College London | Manufacturing R&D Facility: Electron Beam Epitaxy | 61,102 |
2. |
| Hanna, Professor JV | University of Warwick | Very Low Field 2.35 T Solid State NMR Console and Fast MAS NMR Probe for the Study of Paramagnetic Materials Systems | 64,998 |
3. |
| Wong, Dr L | University of Manchester, The | Large Area Scanning-Probe Nanofabrication Platform | 7,075 |
4. |
| Warburton, Professor PA | UCL | Neon Focussed-Ion-Beam Nanofabrication | 43,571 |
5. |
| Hussey, Professor P | Durham, University of | University of Durham - Equipment Account | 759,340 |
6. |
| Blundell, Professor S | University of Oxford | ENHANCEMENT OF PULSED-MAGNETIC FIELD FACILITY | 41,536 |
7. |
| Hofer, Professor W | Newcastle University | University of Newcastle - Equipment Account | 3,009,791 |
8. |
| Donaldson, Professor N. de N. | UCL | Application for Strategic Equipment: Wafer Bonder at LCN | 19,919 |