| Iacovides, Professor H | University of Manchester, The | Development of versatile liquid metal testing facility for lead-cooled fast reactor technology | 376,416 |
| | | Not Funded | |
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| He, Professor S | University of Sheffield | Liquid metal-cooled fast reactor instrumentation technology development - CFD model development and validation | 367,531 |
| He, Professor S | University of Sheffield | Mixing of helium with air in reactor cavities following a pipe break in HTGRs - High fidelity and engineering CFD model development and validation | 367,531 |
| Armstrong, Dr D | University of Oxford | Ni-based ODS alloys for Molten Salt Reactors | 499,728 |
| Walker, Dr S | Imperial College London | Investigations of HTGR Reactor Building Response to Break in Primary Coolant Boundary | 419,374 |
| | | Not Funded | |
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| | | Not Funded | |
| | | Not Funded | |
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| | | Not Funded | |
| Hofmann, Dr F | University of Oxford | Simultaneous Corrosion/Irradiation Testing in Lead and Lead-Bismuth Eutectic: The Radiation Decelerated Corrosion Hypothesis (RC-3) | 543,314 |