1. |
| Bourne, Professor RA | University of Leeds | Cognitive Chemical Manufacturing | 2,007,487 |
2. |
| Hicks, Professor BJ | University of Bristol | Improving the product development process through integrated revision control and twinning of digital-physical models during prototyping | 1,653,338 |
3. |
| Sharples, Professor S | University of Nottingham | Digital Toolkit for optimisation of operators and technology in manufacturing partnerships (DigiTOP) | 1,904,381 |
4. |
| Johnston, Professor BF | University of Strathclyde | ARTICULAR: ARtificial inTelligence for Integrated ICT-enabled pharmaceUticaL mAnufactuRing | 1,965,119 |
5. |
| Lang, Professor Z | University of Sheffield | SYstems Science-based design and manufacturing of DYnamic MATerials and Structures (SYSDYMATS) | 1,607,562 |
6. |
| McFarlane, Professor D | University of Cambridge | Digital Manufacturing on a Shoestring [Digital Shoestring] | 1,667,135 |
7. |
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8. |
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9. |
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10. |
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