1. |
| Grovenor, Professor C | University of Oxford | Effect of Zr on the microstructure of corrosion resistant ODS steels | 290,366 |
2. |
| Walker, Dr S | Imperial College London | Grace Time | 681,131 |
3. |
| Patelli, Professor E | University of Liverpool | SMART | 95,627 |
3. |
| Becerra, Professor VM | University of Portsmouth | Smart on-line monitoring for nuclear power plants (SMART) | 183,212 |
3. |
| Deng, Professor J | Leeds Beckett University | Smart on-line monitoring for nuclear power plants (SMART) | 301,001 |
4. |
| Whittle, Professor KR | University of Liverpool | From Processing to Simulated In-Reactor Performance of Zr Cladding. | 24,480 |
4. |
| Preuss, Professor M | University of Manchester, The | From Processing to Simulated In-Reactor Performance of Zr Cladding. | 491,287 |
5. |
| Andrews, Professor J | University of Nottingham | Design and Maintenance of Nuclear Safety Systems for Life Extension (DaMSSLE) | 557,930 |
6. |
| Whittle, Professor KR | University of Liverpool | Glass-Ceramics: Damaging Bubble Formation | 423,258 |
7. |
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8. |
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9. |
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10. |
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10. |
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| Walker, Dr S | Imperial College London | Indo-UK Civil Nuclear Network | 204,533 |
| Ainsworth, Professor B | University of Manchester, The | Extension to Transferability of Small-Specimen Data to Large-Scale Component Fracture Assessment (TRANSFER-EXT) | 15,964 |
| | | Not Funded | |
| Shirzadi, Dr A | The Open University | Diffusion Bonding Titanium Alloys to Stainless Steels | 30,890 |
| Walker, Dr S | Imperial College London | Indo - UK: Premature, Oscillation-Induced Critical Heat Flux ("Premature OICHF") | 112,729 |