EPSRC Reference: |
GR/S76304/01 |
Title: |
Flood Risk Management Research Consortium |
Principal Investigator: |
Pender, Professor G |
Other Investigators: |
Researcher Co-Investigators: |
Project Partners: |
Department: |
Sch of the Built Environment |
Organisation: |
Heriot-Watt University |
Scheme: |
Standard Research (Pre-FEC) |
Starts: |
01 February 2004 |
Ends: |
31 July 2008 |
Value (£): |
EPSRC Research Topic Classifications: |
Coastal & Waterway Engineering |
Water Engineering |
EPSRC Industrial Sector Classifications: |
Construction |
Environment |
Water |
Related Grants: |
Panel History: |
Summary on Grant Application Form |
Funds are sought to support the activities of a consortium to undertake research in the area of flood risk management. The principal goal of the consortium is to undertake cutting edge research that will lead to a step change in the methods and tools available for flood risk management worldwide. Research activities will be undertaken in eight research priority areas, which were identified during an extensive scoping exercise that involved most academics actively involved in this area of research in the UK and UK end-users of the research. The research priority areas are: Land-use Management, Real-time flood forecasting, Flood Defence Infrastructure, Towards Whole Systems Modelling, Urban Flood Management, Stakeholders & Policy, Morphology & Habitat and Risk & Uncertainty. The research to be undertaken in each of these areas is described in detail in appendices to the case for support. The appendices describe a large number of individual work packages many of which are collaborative and will draw the consortium's activities into a coherent research activity.
Key Findings |
This information can now be found on Gateway to Research (GtR) http://gtr.rcuk.ac.uk
Potential use in non-academic contexts |
This information can now be found on Gateway to Research (GtR) http://gtr.rcuk.ac.uk
Impacts |
Description |
This information can now be found on Gateway to Research (GtR) http://gtr.rcuk.ac.uk |
Summary |
Date Materialised |
Sectors submitted by the Researcher |
This information can now be found on Gateway to Research (GtR) http://gtr.rcuk.ac.uk
Project URL: |
Further Information: |
Organisation Website: |
http://www.hw.ac.uk |