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Details of Grant 

EPSRC Reference: GR/N20386/01
Principal Investigator: Davies, Professor AG
Other Investigators:
Pepper, Professor Sir M Hales, Professor C Linfield, Professor EH
Researcher Co-Investigators:
Project Partners:
Department: Physics
Organisation: University of Cambridge
Scheme: Standard Research (Pre-FEC)
Starts: 08 January 2001 Ends: 07 January 2004 Value (£): 393,635
EPSRC Research Topic Classifications:
Bioelectronic Devices
EPSRC Industrial Sector Classifications:
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Summary on Grant Application Form
This proposal represents a collaboration between Physicists at the Cavendish Laboratory, Clinical Biochemists at Addenbrooke's Hospital, and Researchers at Toshiba Research Europe Ltd (TREL). It seeks funding for the development of a completely new medical spectroscopy system will be used for the analysis of biological substances at clinically relevant concentrations. For example, glucose, urea, creatinine and cholesterol are commonly measured in biological samples (such as blood, urine and cerebrospinal fluid) for all in-patients and out-patients in the NHS Health authorities to aid their clinical and surgical management.The proposed system makes use of a high power, all-optical pulsed source of coherent terahertz (THz) radiation which was developed recently by TREL in collaboration with the Cavendish Laboratory. One crucial advantage of coherent THz spectroscopy is the multiplicity of frequency-selective contrast mechanisms as we demonstrated with the first-ever THz image of a human biological tissue, namely an extracted tooth, in June 1999. In this proposal, a portable THz spectroscopy system will be developed at the Cavendish Laboratory in conjunction with Addenbrooke's Hospital and TREL, specifically for clinical biochemistry analysis. Towards the end of the three-year programme, the system will be transferred to the hospital for clinical field trials.
Key Findings
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Potential use in non-academic contexts
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Description This information can now be found on Gateway to Research (GtR) http://gtr.rcuk.ac.uk
Date Materialised
Sectors submitted by the Researcher
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Project URL:  
Further Information:  
Organisation Website: http://www.cam.ac.uk