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Details of Grant 

EPSRC Reference: GR/K54908/01
Principal Investigator: Doran, Professor NJ
Other Investigators:
Forysiak, Professor W Cardwell, Professor M Bennion, Professor I
Researcher Co-Investigators:
Project Partners:
Department: Electronic Engineering
Organisation: Aston University
Scheme: Standard Research (Pre-FEC)
Starts: 01 November 1995 Ends: 31 October 1999 Value (£): 1,090,300
EPSRC Research Topic Classifications:
Optical Communications Optical Devices & Subsystems
EPSRC Industrial Sector Classifications:
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Summary on Grant Application Form
The proposed programme seeks to develop the key techniques and component concepts that will facilitate the exploitation of optical nonlinearity in future fibre systems. Emphasising solitons for both transmission and all-optical processing, the research embraces new fundamental aspects of nonlinear physics - in periodic structures and semiconductor emplifiers - and an extensive range of novel device concepts, and will derive detialed designs for very high-speed systems. The central platform for experimental investigation of both device and system concepts is an amplified reciruculating fibre loop, within which will be investigated new soliton control principles, dispersion management schemes, and processing devices using nonlinear fibre loops, nonlinearities in semiconductor laser amplifiers, and fibre grating technology. All-optical device configurations address switching, ....-switching, memories, soliton control and filtering, clock recovery, error correction, and pulse interactions in a wide range of advanced and complex grating structures. The programme aims to identify optimum solutions for utilising solitons, and to determine the limiting processes and resulting limits on data rate and mjltidimensional multiplexing capabilities for long- and intermediate-length systems using dispersion-shifted and standard fibre types.
Key Findings
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Potential use in non-academic contexts
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Description This information can now be found on Gateway to Research (GtR) http://gtr.rcuk.ac.uk
Date Materialised
Sectors submitted by the Researcher
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Project URL:  
Further Information:  
Organisation Website: http://www.aston.ac.uk