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Details of Grant 

EPSRC Reference: EP/Z53318X/1
Title: Hub for Quantum Computing via Integrated and Interconnected Implementations (QCI3)
Principal Investigator: O'Brien, Professor D
Other Investigators:
Parsons, Professor M Wallden, Dr P Horak, Dr P
Heunen, Dr C Daley, Professor A J Mintert, Dr F
Schneider, Professor U Rungger, Dr I Ballance, Dr C J
Nunn, Dr J Tew, Professor DP Kuhn, Dr A
Bergamini, Dr S Green, Professor AG Rusimova, Dr K
Kyriienko, Dr O Bakr, Dr M Brown, Dr OT
Datta, Professor A Davis, Dr A Bennett, Professor AJ
Mosley, Dr PJ Lind, Dr S J Harris, Professor S
Coveney, Professor P Haynes, Professor PD Smith, Professor JM
Kendon, Professor VM Lindstrom, Dr T Walmsley, Professor IA
Cornish, Professor SL Lucas, Dr D Velu, Professor C
Pritchard, Professor JD Weides, Professor MP Ares, Dr N
Chancellor, Dr N de Beaudrap, Dr JRN Gates, Dr JC
Hensinger, Professor WK Kashefi, Professor E Keller, Dr MK
Leung, Professor KK Goodwin, Dr J F Williams, Dr H J
Ouyang, Dr Y Patel, Dr R Cojocaru, Dr A D
Srinivas, Dr R Kuhr, Professor S Knowles, Dr HS
Kolthammer, Dr W Saunders, Professor J Garcia-Patron Sanchez, Dr R
Jirotka, Professor M Warburton, Professor PA Kim, Professor M
Researcher Co-Investigators:
Project Partners:
Airbus Operations Limited Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL Applied Quantum Computing
AstraZeneca AWE BAE Systems
BT CGI Global Department for Transport
Digital Catapult IBM UK Ltd Infleqtion
LTIMindtree M Squared Lasers Ltd Oracle Corporation
ORCA Computing Ltd Oxford Ionics Oxford Quantum Circuits
QinetiQ Quantinuum QuantrolOx
Quantum Base Alpha Riverlane Rolls-Royce Plc (UK)
Thales Ltd Trakm8 Ltd
Department: Oxford Physics
Organisation: University of Oxford
Scheme: Standard Research TFS
Starts: 01 September 2024 Ends: 31 August 2029 Value (£): 20,957,951
EPSRC Research Topic Classifications:
EPSRC Industrial Sector Classifications:
Communications Information Technologies
Related Grants:
Panel History:  
Summary on Grant Application Form
Over the next few decades, quantum computing (QC) will transform the way we design new materials, plan complex logistics and solve a wide range of problems that conventional computers cannot address. The Hub for Quantum Computing via Integrated and Interconnected Implementations (QCI3) brings together >50 investigators across 20 universities to address key challenges, and deliver applications across diverse areas of engineering and science. We will work with 27 industrial partners, the National Quantum Computing Centre, the National Physical Laboratory, academia, regulators, Government and the wider community to achieve our goals.

The Hub will focus on where collaborative academic research can make transformative progress across three interconnected themes: (T1) developing integrated quantum computers, (T2) connecting quantum computers, and (T3) developing applications for them. Objectives for each are outlined below.

(T1) Developing integrated quantum computing systems, with a goal of creating quantum processors that will show real utility for specific problem examples.


OB1.1: Demonstrate quantum advantage in analogue platforms with neutral atoms and photons

OB1.2: Make neutral atom quantum simulation platforms available in the cloud

OB1.3: Develop new applications for these and other near-term systems

(T2) A key challenge of building the million qubit machines of the future is that of 'wiring' together the quantum processors that will create such a machine. The Hub will develop technologies that help achieve this and develop models to understand how such machines will scale.

Objectives :

OB2.1: Develop interconnect technologies for quantum processors

OB2.2: Demonstrate blind computing and multi-component networks with trapped ion quantum computers

OB2.3: Demonstrate transduction and networking of superconducting processors

(T3) Developing applications in science and engineering, including materials design, chemistry and fluid dynamics.


OB3.1: Develop new methods for materials and chemical system modelling and design, fluid dynamics, and quantum machine learning

OB3.2: Identify the nearest routes to quantum advantage for these application areas

OB3.3: Develop implementations of these algorithms on T1 and T2 Hardware

These will be supported by work in overarching tools (T4) that can be used across the themes of the Hub, including error correction, digital twins, verification and software stack optimisation.

Skills and training

Hub partners will work with end-users, our students and researchers, and partners across the UK National Quantum Technologies Programme (UKNQTP) to ensure members of the Hub have the skills they need. Specific objectives include:

Provide training in innovation, commercialisation and IP, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) to Hub partners

Provide reports and training to end-users, working in partnership with the NQCC and others

Continue to provide advocacy and advice to policy makers, through work in such areas as RRI

Exploitation and Engagement:

The Hub will build on the strong engagement activities of the UK programme, further developing the technology pipeline. We will play a key role in strengthening and expanding the UK ecosystem through events, networking and education.

Specific goals are to:

Broaden the partnership of the Hub, bringing new academic, government and industrial partners into the Hub network

Contribute to regulation and governance through programmes of work in standards and RRI, and close collaboration with UKNQTP partners

Support the generation and protection of intellectual property within the Hub, and its exploitation

Develop Hub and cross-Hub outreach initiatives, working with the RRI team, to help ensure the potential of quantum computing for societal benefit can be realised
Key Findings
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Potential use in non-academic contexts
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Description This information can now be found on Gateway to Research (GtR) http://gtr.rcuk.ac.uk
Date Materialised
Sectors submitted by the Researcher
This information can now be found on Gateway to Research (GtR) http://gtr.rcuk.ac.uk
Project URL:  
Further Information:  
Organisation Website: http://www.ox.ac.uk