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Details of Grant 

EPSRC Reference: EP/Z532782/1
Title: The Sustainable Chemicals and Materials Manufacturing Hub SCHEMA
Principal Investigator: Williams, Professor CK
Other Investigators:
Davidson, Professor MG Torrente Murciano, Professor L Freakley, Dr S
Redgwell, Professor C Siviour, Professor CR Leese, Dr H S
Brassart, Professor L Clifton, Professor DA Hutchings, Professor G
Catlow, Professor R Hintermair, Dr U Tsang, Professor S
Davis, Professor B Mattia, Professor D Cresswell, Dr AJ
O'Malley, Dr AJ Allen, Dr S Vincent, Professor KA
Reed, Professor M Chatterjee, Dr S Lupton, Dr RC
Buchard, Professor A Rosseinsky, Professor M
Researcher Co-Investigators:
Project Partners:
Apple, Inc. Biobased Biodegradable Ind Association Centre for Process Innovation CPI (UK)
Ceres Power Ltd Croda (Group) Drochaid Research Services Limited
Econic Technologies Ltd HydRegen IBM UK Ltd
Ingevity UK Limited Kelp Industries Limited Materiom
National Composites Centre Naturbeads Ltd NREL (Nat Renewable Energy Laboratory)
Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership OXGRIN Polestar (Sweden)
Reckitt Benckiser Global R&D GmbH Royal Society of Chemistry Publishing SCG Chemicals Co. Ltd
Scott Bader Company Ltd Siemens STFC Laboratories (Grouped)
Sumitomo Chemical Group Total Corbion PLA bv Unilever
Victrex plc
Department: Oxford Chemistry
Organisation: University of Oxford
Scheme: Standard Research TFS
Starts: 01 July 2024 Ends: 30 June 2031 Value (£): 11,884,843
EPSRC Research Topic Classifications:
Design of Process systems Manufacturing Machine & Plant
Materials Synthesis & Growth
EPSRC Industrial Sector Classifications:
Manufacturing Chemicals
Related Grants:
Panel History:  
Summary on Grant Application Form
Discovery Research Projects - sitting within/between WPs and focussing on high-impact, innovative discoveries. New areas will be identified via industry-academic co-creation events. Projects will be delivered by postdoctoral researchers (PDRAs), supervised by several Co-Is (across institutions and disciplines).

Early-Stage Commercialization Projects - support translation of recent discoveries by accelerating manufacturing uptake. Projects, delivered by PDRAs, must involve both academic and supply chain partners.

Industry-Academia Co-Creation & Leadership - Manufacturing Challenge Workshops will convene supply chain partners to identify major knowledge gaps and co-create solutions, identify new projects, guide WPs and produce recommendations for technology roadmaps.

SCHEMA will deliver against HMG Clean Growth strategies, e.g. Skidmore Review (Net Zero) and create economic, environmental and societal impact across academic, industry, policy and public audiences through a multi-channel dissemination approach.

Skills development and ED&I will be core to delivery supporting the development of more diverse workforces and industry leaders to deliver the future of UK manufacturing.eep sustainable carbon recirculating.

SCHEMA will deliver these through five inter-linked research work packages (WPs) across the manufacturing supply chain:

Catalysis and Renewable Power: Selective, scalable and efficient methods to transform air (CO2, water, O2) and wastes into chemical intermediates and monomers. Processes must integrate with renewables, exploiting novel electrochemistry and engineering.

Digital and Information Technologies: High efficiency manufacturing delivered through innovative chemistry, in situ/operando analyses, computational feedback loops and automation.

Polymerizations and Application Development: Transforming 'green' chemical intermediates into sustainable polymers, elastomers, resins and adhesives.

Process Chemistry and Engineering: Developing reactor and process engineering, scalable processes and purification designs for sustainable multi-phase manufacturing process chemistry and engineering.

Sustainability Assessments: Assessment, benchmarking and standardisation of new manufacturing processes and products using leading sustainability and techno-economic models. Research integrated and prioritised for technical and theoretical breakthroughs.

SCHEMA will integrate industry into these five themes via:

Key Findings
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Potential use in non-academic contexts
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Description This information can now be found on Gateway to Research (GtR) http://gtr.rcuk.ac.uk
Date Materialised
Sectors submitted by the Researcher
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Project URL:  
Further Information:  
Organisation Website: http://www.ox.ac.uk