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Details of Grant 

EPSRC Reference: EP/Y030915/1
Title: UKRI AI Centre for Doctoral Training in AI for Digital Media Inclusion
Principal Investigator: Hilton, Professor A
Other Investigators:
Braun, Professor S Dalton, Professor P Jackson, Professor P
Murphy, Ms A Chan, Ms A C Bennett, Professor J
Song, Professor Y Rogoyski, Dr A
Researcher Co-Investigators:
Project Partners:
Access Entertainment Activate Learning Ada Lovelace Institute
Anagram Arwen AI Aspierations
Atos UK&I Atticus Education Audioscenic
Bang & Olufsen BBC BLESMA
Blessed Foundation British Screen Forum Channel Four Television Corporation
Creative UK Darkfield Events Ltd Digital Catapult
Disguise Technologies dock10 English Heritage
Enterprise M3 Figment Productions Final Pixel
Framestore Gideon Reeling IBM UK Ltd
Iliffe Media Group ISO Design Marshmallow Laser Feast
Morality & Knowledge in AI National Film and Television School Netmind.AI
Network Media Communications Nexus Studios nVIDIA
Ofcom Open Education AI Osborne Clarke LLP
pact Samsung R&D Institute UK Sony
Surrey County Council Surrey Heartlands Surround Vision
Synthesia Target3D TechUK
TetraLogical Ukie (Interactive Entertainment Assoc)
Department: Surrey Institute for People-Centred AI
Organisation: University of Surrey
Scheme: Centre for Doctoral Training
Starts: 01 April 2024 Ends: 30 September 2032 Value (£): 12,959,982
EPSRC Research Topic Classifications:
Artificial Intelligence Design HTP
New Media/Web-Based Studies Science and Technology Studies
EPSRC Industrial Sector Classifications:
Creative Industries Information Technologies
Related Grants:
Panel History:
Panel DatePanel NameOutcome
06 Sep 2023 UKRI CDTs in Artificial Intelligence 2023 expert panel Announced
20 Sep 2023 UKRI CDTs in Artificial Intelligence Interview Panel B Announced
Summary on Grant Application Form
Our vision is to train future creative industry leaders to realise the potential of AI to enable intelligent digital media services designed to be inclusive for all. Future media, driven by the growth opportunities of personalisation, will intelligently adapt to individual interest, demographics and accessibility needs to increase audience engagement and reduce barriers to inclusion. This CDT will combine Surrey's world-leading expertise in people-centred AI with RHUL StoryFutures' track-record of innovation in next generation digital media to (1) establish a unique creative industry hub for high-quality training in AI, inclusive design and creative skills, and (2) catalyse UK leadership in media inclusion for the whole UK population and beyond.

Digital media has transformed the way we access mass-media from books through to podcasts, radio, TV, film, games, the web and interactive entertainment. Access to digital media is central to the way we live, work and play, providing our primary interface for education, health, entertainment, retail, finance, communication and government services. Creating digital media content and services that are inclusive for all is essential for societal equality and a business necessity to increase engagement for diverse audiences, the 'Purple pound' alone is valued at over £274bn per year in the UK. This CDT will forge an innovative model of training for a new generation of creative industry professionals to lead the creation of future AI-enabled intelligent media services designed with inclusion for all at their heart.

AI has the potential to transform all forms of digital media from today's pre-defined one-size-fits-all content to intelligent media that dynamically adapts to individual preferences and inclusion needs for diverse audiences, such as choice of language for health guidance, or news content for all ages. UK creative industry growth is severely limited by access to individuals with key AI and creative skills.

This CDT will train 80+ PhD researchers with responsible people-centred AI, inclusive design and creative skills to lead the creative industry transformation to intelligent media services, enabling social inclusion for all and positioning the UK as a global leader in future inclusive media. Cohort based doctoral training bringing together multi-disciplinary teams will address the fundamental research challenges for digital media inclusion through AI-enabled intelligent media. Real-world inclusion challenges will be co-designed and co-delivered with the UK creative industries and audience stakeholder groups. Challenges identified with partners in the CDT co-design include:

News/Documentary: How to design news services that inclusive and accessible for all, increasing engagement by adapting to individual interest whilst maintaining integrity and trust?

Drama: How to enhance accessibility of storytelling experiences using narrative importance to prioritise audio-visual cues and adapt language for diverse audiences?

Education: How to design intelligent educational content tailored to individual learning needs, style and pace for diverse learners?

Live Events: How to design digital media to create a shared sense of 'being there' at live sports or music events breaking down barriers to accessibility and enabling a shared experience for all?

Immersive Storytelling & the Metaverse: How to realise seamless XR experiences for work, education and play that enhance societal inclusion, access to services and shared experiences?

Health & Wellbeing/Public Services: How to create information that adapts to individual needs (language, neurodiversity, age) ensuring equitable access and integrity of content?

As founding partners of the £51m UKRI CoSTAR National Lab for creative industries R&D, we have a unique opportunity to embed inclusive AI practice in the sector and create a step change in future media experience for the benefit of all.
Key Findings
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Potential use in non-academic contexts
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Description This information can now be found on Gateway to Research (GtR) http://gtr.rcuk.ac.uk
Date Materialised
Sectors submitted by the Researcher
This information can now be found on Gateway to Research (GtR) http://gtr.rcuk.ac.uk
Project URL:  
Further Information:  
Organisation Website: http://www.surrey.ac.uk