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Details of Grant 

EPSRC Reference: EP/J016748/1
Title: India-UK Advanced Technology Centre (IU-ATC) in Next Generation Networks Systems and Services (Phase Two Follow-on)
Principal Investigator: Parr, Professor G
Other Investigators:
McClean, Professor S Morrow, Professor PJ Scotney, Professor B
Researcher Co-Investigators:
Project Partners:
BT Lancaster University Queen Mary University of London
Toshiba UCL University of Bristol
University of Cambridge University of Southampton University of St Andrews
University of Surrey
Department: Sch of Computing & Information Eng
Organisation: University of Ulster
Scheme: Standard Research
Starts: 01 January 2012 Ends: 31 December 2014 Value (£): 595,614
EPSRC Research Topic Classifications:
Networks & Distributed Systems
EPSRC Industrial Sector Classifications:
Related Grants:
EP/J016721/1 EP/J016675/1 EP/J016756/1 EP/J016640/1
EP/J016691/1 EP/J016772/1 EP/J016705/1 EP/J016632/1
Panel History:
Panel DatePanel NameOutcome
21 Oct 2011 IU-ATC - Phase 2 Announced
Summary on Grant Application Form
This is a follow-on proposal for a Phase Two from the highly successful Phase One under EPSRC funding (GR EP/G051674/1; EP/G049874/1; EP/G049939/1; EP/G050600/1; EP/G05178X/1; EP/G053847/1;EP/G054886/1; EP/G055610/1; EP/F030118/1) of the IU-ATC which was for an initial 30-month period of a 5-year project envisioned by EPSRC and DST. The IU-ATC project represents the largest collaboration of its kind between UK and India and as such provides a unique and internationally competitive research eco-system to be further leveraged for maximum impact. As commented by the EPSRC Review Panel that met on 15th August (i) "The panel were positive about the success of Phase 1 of IU-ATC, commenting that they were impressed with the achievements of the consortium so far in the face of the significant challenge of making a consortium work across numerous institutions and country boundaries.", (ii) "The panel were clear that there is no question of the huge capacity that the IU-ATC has built over phase 1." A summary of our strengths is provided in the Joint 2-page (planning for IU-ATC Phase 2) document submitted to EPSRC-DST on August 5th 2011 (attached). In summary there has been 246 international Conference Papers, 106 Journal Papers ( with 31 papers still under review), Papers under dissemination 31 , 6 Books , and 10 Technical Reports. Of particular significance are the 15 Patents Submitted, the 8 technical Prototypes built and the 12 Technical Testbeds / Demonstrators that support the work of the team in both countries.

As we plan for Phase 2, we have reflected on our outputs to-date and also the recently published strategic research priorities from EPSRC published in July 2011 on Global Uncertainties , Healthcare, Digital Economy, E-Infrastructure, Intelligent Information Infrastructure, Working Together and DST 11th Plan, DST SAC respectively. In light of the respective national priorities for ICT Research and Innovation that have been identified by EPSRC-DST, there are a number of directly relevant "grand challenges" which we highlighted in our 2-page plan for the respective EPSRC-DST Review Committees on 5th August 2011 (attached).

Leveraging the capacity that has been developed in IU-ATC Phase 1, we will take into consideration some of the respective national priorities areas as listed in 1..7 above and the key recommendations of the EPSRC-DST review Panels. As evidenced from the EPSRC Review Panel a specific recommendation was made that whilst we should strive to have commonality of approach between work areas in both countries we should not 'force-fit' all research activities to both countries. Given this recommendation, we have developed a plan of innovative research that attempts to address global issues, common challenges and respective national priorities.

Key Findings
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Description This information can now be found on Gateway to Research (GtR) http://gtr.rcuk.ac.uk
Date Materialised
Sectors submitted by the Researcher
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Further Information:  
Organisation Website: http://www.ulst.ac.uk