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Details of Grant 

EPSRC Reference: EP/H027092/1
Title: Towards a new nanoparticle vaccine technology. Rational design of pathogen-mimicking nanoparticles for controlled immunostimulation.
Principal Investigator: Cellesi, Professor F
Other Investigators:
Researcher Co-Investigators:
Project Partners:
Department: Manchester Pharmacy School
Organisation: University of Manchester, The
Scheme: First Grant - Revised 2009
Starts: 16 August 2010 Ends: 15 August 2011 Value (£): 100,148
EPSRC Research Topic Classifications:
Drug Formulation & Delivery Materials Characterisation
Materials Synthesis & Growth
EPSRC Industrial Sector Classifications:
Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology
Related Grants:
Panel History:
Panel DatePanel NameOutcome
02 Dec 2009 Physical Sciences Panel - Materials Announced
Summary on Grant Application Form
Traditional vaccination methods, consisting of live-attenuated or heat-killed pathogens administered to healthy individuals, have been highly successful in preventing and eradicating global diseases (including smallpox and poliomyelitis). However, preventive vaccination still remains elusive for many other diseases (including malaria, tuberculosis and HIV). Therapeutic vaccines, i.e. designed to cure patients who are already infected or ill, have shown promising results against cancer, autoimmune diseases, as well as HIV, tuberculosis and hepatitis, although none of them are yet recognized as efficacious therapy in humans. Therefore, new vaccination strategies, based on a growing understanding of the immune activation mechanisms, are needed.The proposed study focuses on novel nanoparticle vaccines, based on a versatile and robust approach for producing nanomaterials composed of solid core of well defined physicochemical properties and a hydrophilic, immune-stimulating polymeric shell. Combining recent advances in nanotechnology with the requirements of novel vaccine design, this technology will allow the generation of new pathogen-mimicking nanoparticles, designed for specific antigen delivery and controlled immunostimulation.The core material properties will define the nanoparticle size, in vitro and in vivo traceability, degradability. The nanoparticle size can be varied to resemble that of a particular virus and, as recent studies revealed, size is a fundamental variable which affects a) the way nanoparticles (and viruses) enter cells and influence the cell functions, and b) the final vaccine localization and targeting, either in the peripheral tissue or in lymph nodes. The functional polymeric shell will be designed to incorporate the right sequence of chemical groups (saccharides, hydroxyl groups) which activate the innate immune system, as well as antigens to be displaced to the Antigen Presenting Cells. This new vaccine technology will be able to elicit the appropriate immune response, by combining an efficient antigen presentation with adjuvant functions, for a more specific immune regulation and less non-specific (adverse) immune activation.
Key Findings
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Description This information can now be found on Gateway to Research (GtR) http://gtr.rcuk.ac.uk
Date Materialised
Sectors submitted by the Researcher
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Further Information:  
Organisation Website: http://www.man.ac.uk