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EPSRC Support By Research Topic
A classification scheme has been developed by the Research Councils which covers all of their remits. The complete list of research topics is shown, but there will be topics that are outside EPSRC's remit. To navigate through the 400 research topics, you can use the initial filter.

We classify grants using one or more research topics. Value is the total value of the grants awarded, not the proportion assigned to different research topics, so it does not show the level of investment in different research areas.

Initial Filter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z * All

Research TopicNumber of GrantsValue (£)
Accelerator R&D1 5,713,721
Acoustics9 26,405,763
Aerodynamics48 60,834,860
Agricultural systems2 5,408,149
Algebra & Geometry109 112,281,456
Analytical Science119 182,658,578
Artificial Intelligence362 986,544,108
Astron. & Space Sci. Technol.2 13,540,919
Asymmetric Chemistry2 819,649
Atmospheric Kinetics1 7,091,268
Atoms & Ions8 9,136,429
B Physics/Flavour Physics1 5,713,721
Biochemical engineering12 24,408,845
Biochemistry & physiology2 7,124,649
Bioelectronic Devices14 29,173,246
Bioenergy9 20,713,957
Bioinformatics6 11,066,476
Biological & Medicinal Chem.38 82,681,113
Biomaterials64 98,622,951
Biomechanics & Rehabilitation41 64,749,962
Biomedical neuroscience9 13,974,196
Biomedical sciences13 30,407,472
Bionanoscience1 7,289,676
Bionanotechnology2 1,741,907
Biophysics65 83,084,646
Bioprocess Engineering10 54,210,553
Bioreactors1 1,048,273
Building Ops & Management11 14,202,217
Carbon Capture & Storage17 67,520,647
Cartography and GIS1 6,989,842
Catalysis & Applied Catalysis130 241,784,294
Catalysis & enzymology4 20,177,656
Chemical Biology63 121,654,762
Chemical Structure13 35,710,578
Chemical Synthetic Methodology74 137,754,252
Civil Engineering Materials8 22,498,204
Coastal & Waterway Engineering20 20,468,783
Cognitive Psychology2 1,203,144
Cognitive Science Appl. in ICT2 3,818,682
Cold Atomic Species12 20,715,452
Combustion16 37,091,096
Complex fluids & soft solids43 64,161,715
Complexity Science1 3,913,751
Composition1 6,532,299
Computational Linguistics22 31,609,685
Computational Methods & Tools1 592,093
Computer Graphics & Visual.20 57,311,882
Computer Sys. & Architecture45 68,520,008
Condensed Matter Physics105 163,530,111
Construction Ops & Management3 11,591,664
Continuum Mechanics50 82,611,802
Control Engineering43 90,642,643
Co-ordination Chemistry46 53,317,313
Cosmology4 7,018,130
Criminology2 1,644,599
Data Handling & Storage1 5,713,721
Design & Testing Technology61 124,419,769
Design Engineering26 88,638,076
Design HTP1 13,009,617
Design of Process systems47 143,223,470
Design Processes3 3,606,144
Development (Biosciences)1 1,255,304
Digital Signal Processing33 64,224,695
Direct Dark Matter Detection1 436,513
Drug Formulation & Delivery42 80,155,874
Earth Engineering6 10,815,598
Earth Resources1 4,436,180
Economics1 30,711,963
Ecosystem Scale Processes1 5,244,818
Electric Motor & Drive Systems15 52,116,458
Electrochemical Science & Eng.44 69,496,106
Electronic Devices & Subsys.98 132,010,844
Energy - Conventional4 25,875,494
Energy - Marine & Hydropower31 72,049,786
Energy - Nuclear35 55,910,361
Energy Efficiency64 179,606,946
Energy Storage68 106,847,635
Eng. Dynamics & Tribology18 25,270,645
Environment2 12,487,203
Environment & Health8 13,972,762
Environmental biotechnology1 162,134
Environmental Planning1 8,846,359
Ethics4 10,091,832
Extra-Galactic Astron.&Cosmol.4 12,270,081
Finance and Accounting1 2,044,217
Fluid Dynamics72 63,765,016
Food processing2 16,200,057
Food structure/composition1 1,698,037
Fuel Cell Technologies7 24,133,160
Fundamentals of Computing157 152,594,488
Fusion11 90,824,210
Gas & Solution Phase Reactions19 46,300,225
Gene therapy1 2,100,849
Genomics1 1,255,304
Gravitational Waves1 461,770
Ground Engineering36 33,293,885
Heat & Mass Transfer8 6,584,031
High Performance Computing19 21,526,120
Human Communication in ICT21 63,774,622
Human Resource Management1 691,374
Human-Computer Interactions103 285,867,423
Image & Vision Computing68 105,135,672
Industrial Organisation (R&D)1 4,437,440
Information & Knowledge Mgmt73 141,167,540
Innovation1 3,673,166
Instrumentation Eng. & Dev.113 175,479,096
Intelligent & Expert Systems4 9,249,766
Intelligent Measurement Sys.1 6,336,082
Jurisprudence/Legal Philosophy1 703,616
Knowledge Management1 3,673,166
Lasers & Optics16 11,112,858
Lattice QCD2 6,327,330
Leadership1 691,374
Light-Matter Interactions20 19,143,738
Livestock production1 3,897,947
Logic & Combinatorics50 61,381,873
Macro-molecular delivery1 10,851,090
Magnetism/Magnetic Phenomena55 69,846,176
Manufact. Business Strategy14 25,275,182
Manufact. Enterprise Ops& Mgmt30 114,391,532
Manufacturing Machine & Plant170 371,438,285
Materials Characterisation270 408,146,277
Materials Processing69 142,751,495
Materials Synthesis & Growth184 332,443,498
Materials testing & eng.71 99,122,969
Mathematical Analysis108 117,871,678
Mathematical Aspects of OR31 87,781,021
Mathematical Physics44 65,015,515
Mech. & Fluid Power Transmiss.1 429,038
Med.Instrument.Device& Equip.123 278,842,095
Medical Imaging80 118,585,958
Medical science & disease22 44,770,309
Mental Health3 1,640,133
Metabolic engineering1 870,445
Microbiology3 7,528,543
Microsystems42 42,520,236
Mining & Minerals Extraction4 6,608,291
Mobile Computing33 74,208,892
Modelling & simul. of IT sys.8 30,126,178
Multiphase Flow4 8,254,786
Music & Acoustic Technology16 25,425,529
Musicology1 6,532,299
Networks & Distributed Systems84 219,034,026
New & Emerging Comp. Paradigms6 14,342,104
New Media/Web-Based Studies1 13,009,617
Non-linear Systems Mathematics41 62,250,802
Nuclear Structure1 1,499,367
Numerical Analysis60 100,046,796
Oil & Gas Extraction2 6,774,744
Operations Management4 9,475,349
Optical Communications24 72,406,177
Optical Devices & Subsystems69 116,789,429
Optical Phenomena12 15,854,301
Optoelect. Devices & Circuits85 158,019,636
Parallel Computing14 12,852,842
Particle Technology40 71,775,029
Pavement Engineering1 471,201
Physical Organic Chemistry23 45,944,540
Plasmas - Laser & Fusion15 18,807,070
Plasmas - Technological3 1,968,647
Political Geography1 3,474,398
Power Electronics8 6,282,632
Power Sys Man, Prot & Control2 1,232,704
Product Design1 4,436,877
Properties Of Earth Materials1 934,132
Protein chemistry4 5,923,344
Protein engineering3 3,679,490
Psychology2 5,193,515
Quantum Field Theory1 850,510
Quantum Fluids & Solids10 8,174,438
Quantum Optics & Information70 84,306,015
Reactor Engineering21 42,126,532
Research approaches2 6,371,631
RF & Microwave Technology68 105,537,343
Rheology4 7,073,470
Robotics & Autonomy68 167,124,401
Safety & Reliability of Plant1 6,864,992
Science & Technology Studies2 30,786,333
Science and Technology Studies2 22,610,481
Separation Processes6 18,847,629
Social Policy3 21,770,794
Social Psychology3 1,878,380
Socio Legal Studies4 36,265,310
Sociology1 3,063,678
Software Engineering113 159,322,924
Soil science5 4,023,309
Solar Technology44 48,936,680
Sport and Exercise2 6,803,307
Statistics & Appl. Probability103 241,781,034
Stem cell biology1 1,478,669
Structural biology2 1,958,337
Structural Engineering41 65,726,960
Surfaces & Interfaces36 41,431,703
Survey & Monitoring1 1,207,271
Sustainability Management1 1,460,497
Sustainable Energy Networks58 129,328,384
Sustainable Energy Vectors57 149,641,386
Synthetic biology75 126,662,684
Systems neuroscience2 1,655,001
The Standard Model5 698,206
Theoretical biology1 1,217,160
Tissue engineering47 78,454,574
Tools for the biosciences5 18,251,273
Transport Ops & Management11 27,456,302
Urban & Land Management18 44,504,699
Vision & Senses - ICT appl.20 25,646,604
Waste Management7 10,938,965
Waste Minimisation7 17,157,517
Water Engineering15 41,043,479
Water Quality1 165,201
Wind Power28 65,908,809