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EPSRC Support by Research Areas in Theme (Digital Economy)

Research areas are used to describe EPSRC's portfolio of excellent long term research and high quality postgraduate training.

Grants are classified using one or more research areas. The number and value of grants listed below reflects how the theme portfolio in question is currently constituted.

Please note: this is a dynamic database reflecting the current grants portfolio by Research Area within a Theme. Therefore, the number and value of grants within a Research Area will not match exactly the thematic Research Area distributions given at EPSRC's portfolio.

Research AreaNumber of GrantsProportional Value (£)
Architecture and Operating Systems2 1,942,143
Artificial Intelligence Technologies20 9,416,792
Assistive Technology, Rehabilitation and Musculoskeletal Biomechanics1 850,413
Clinical Technologies (excluding imaging)1 158,589
Electrochemical Sciences1 192,924
End Use Energy Demand (Energy Efficiency)4 594,552
Engineering Design1 289,386
Graphics and Visualisation5 2,172,808
Human Communication in ICT3 760,736
Human-Computer Interaction24 21,679,956
ICT Networks & Distributed Systems7 2,366,368
Image and Vision Computing2 1,449,990
Information Systems14 6,113,707
Infrastructure and Urban Systems2 118,819
Manufacturing Technologies6 1,028,036
Music and Acoustic Technology2 2,573,194
Natural Language Processing5 772,162
Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing13 7,883,416
Robotics1 202,613
Sensors and Instrumentation3 405,114
Software Engineering5 686,302
Solar Technology2 303,807
Statistics and Applied Probability1 1,023,062
Theoretical Computer Science2 310,298
Verification and Correctness4 2,345,581
Vision, Hearing and Other Senses3 680,157