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EPSRC Support By Scheme in Standard Research - NR1
Organisation NameNumber of GrantsValue (£)
Aberystwyth University1 502,950
Aston University6 1,004,624
Bangor University1 854,923
British Geological Survey3 705,219
Brunel University London3 3,443,317
Cardiff University10 9,406,798
City, University of London1 160,200
Coventry University2 2,151,008
Cranfield University3 5,593,615
Durham, University of11 8,792,328
EMBL Group1 131,897
Energy Systems Catapult1 249,051
Heriot-Watt University7 9,270,844
Imperial College London26 27,069,331
Institute of Cancer Research1 613,324
Keele University3 569,989
Kings College London11 2,625,771
Lancaster University6 1,171,616
London Sch of Hygiene & Tropic. Medicine1 518,745
London School of Economics & Pol Sci1 77,291
Loughborough University2 1,355,498
Manchester Metropolitan University2 602,574
Middlesex University1 132,760
Newcastle University8 9,787,266
Northumbria, University of3 743,612
Queen Mary University of London7 1,236,540
Queen's University of Belfast7 8,867,229
Rothamsted Research1 2,212,924
Royal Holloway, Univ of London2 222,812
Sheffield Hallam University2 793,326
STFC Laboratories (Grouped)3 3,701,742
Swansea University4 8,786,813
Teesside University1 154,078
The Alan Turing Institute1 3,967,657
The Open University1 123,187
UCL27 20,271,333
University of Aberdeen3 825,646
University of Bath6 3,609,252
University of Birmingham17 18,056,221
University of Bradford1 161,913
University of Bristol15 24,545,600
University of Cambridge24 50,629,677
University of Central Lancashire1 140,288
University of Derby1 104,576
University of Dundee1 584,250
University of East Anglia2 245,506
University of Edinburgh15 8,959,018
University of Essex3 1,253,188
University of Exeter8 2,995,268
University of Glasgow16 8,574,352
University of Hertfordshire2 398,660
University of Hull2 327,673
University of Kent3 525,308
University of Leeds6 7,111,780
University of Leicester5 3,512,514
University of Lincoln4 6,110,310
University of Liverpool8 1,680,210
University of Manchester, The8 7,572,695
University of Nottingham20 34,402,850
University of Oxford17 25,120,600
University of Plymouth2 668,472
University of Reading3 1,596,743
University of Sheffield20 10,165,674
University of Southampton21 10,931,430
University of St Andrews7 2,061,549
University of Strathclyde7 2,493,765
University of Surrey6 2,834,413
University of Sussex3 650,675
University of the West of England3 4,315,257
University of Ulster1 170,756
University of Warwick16 7,057,214
University of York5 2,500,409

Total Number of Grants: 453
Total Value of Grants: £390,765,902

The grant value may include the cost of access to facilities (these funds are not awarded to the grant holding organisation).