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EPSRC Support By Scheme in Standard Research
Organisation: University of Cambridge
Department NameNumber of GrantsValue (£)
Applied Maths and Theoretical Physics2 1,693,409
Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology2 1,278,781
Chemistry6 2,736,955
Computer Science and Technology5 3,698,970
Earth Sciences1 553,895
Engineering22 30,352,113
Materials Science & Metallurgy9 6,128,159
MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit1 485,623
Pharmacology2 1,205,248
Physics9 10,155,909
Physiology Development and Neuroscience1 447,849

Total Number of Grants: 60
Total Value of Grants: £58,736,912

The grant value may include the cost of access to facilities (these funds are not awarded to the grant holding organisation).