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EPSRC Support By Research Area
Research areas are used to describe EPSRC's portfolio of excellent long term research and high quality postgraduate training.

Grants are classified using one or more research areas. The number of grants listed below does not reflect the proportion assigned to different research areas and thus all grants of some relevance to the research area are counted. However, the value of the investment does reflect the proportion assigned to different research areas.

The complete list of research areas is shown. To navigate through the research areas, you can use the initial filter.

We always try to ensure that grants on the web contains the most recent information but it is possible that some might be slightly out of date.

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Research AreaNumber of GrantsProportional Value (£)Grant Value (£)
Algebra71 20,659,957 75,191,787
Analytical Science144 58,513,565 229,608,589
Antihydrogen7 8,821,059 9,279,655
Architecture and Operating Systems83 28,851,800 114,736,345
Artificial Intelligence Technologies339 502,769,092 941,353,480
Assistive Technology, Rehabilitation and Musculoskeletal Biomechanics47 38,620,123 79,932,011
Bioenergy12 12,042,649 29,130,571
Biological Informatics25 8,139,824 37,427,572
Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering74 60,587,283 152,277,193
Biophysics and Soft Matter Physics97 53,081,281 126,703,534
Built Environment21 26,992,653 52,934,221
Carbon Capture and Storage17 22,427,192 55,583,755
Catalysis144 83,615,697 258,235,746
Chemical Biology and Biological Chemistry110 71,332,745 201,038,810
Chemical Reaction Dynamics and Mechanisms55 42,143,057 138,185,848
Chemical Structure12 16,378,586 32,696,001
Clinical Technologies (excluding imaging)172 145,274,635 317,529,140
Coastal and Waterway Engineering24 8,562,743 23,283,218
Cold Atoms and Molecules16 8,398,816 13,340,827
Combustion Engineering21 12,811,484 36,163,813
Complex Fluids & Rheology36 18,850,123 59,997,755
Complexity Science1 587,063 3,913,751
Computational & Theoretical Chemistry86 42,055,661 165,011,226
Condensed Matter: Electronic Structure78 28,356,109 110,290,074
Condensed Matter: Magnetism and Magnetic Materials69 25,356,082 80,272,926
Continuum Mechanics45 13,937,894 71,764,361
Control Engineering55 28,012,606 115,698,807
Databases18 9,009,029 39,224,707
Digital Signal Processing36 14,044,817 66,909,695
Electrical Motors and Drive / Electromagnetics25 27,396,455 63,868,489
Electrochemical Sciences52 11,205,584 71,259,645
End Use Energy Demand (Energy Efficiency)76 82,535,300 159,187,414
Energy Networks29 25,293,605 57,311,904
Energy Storage62 42,100,873 101,804,069
Engineering Design50 42,005,272 123,336,182
Fluid Dynamics and Aerodynamics122 84,773,411 134,131,891
Fossil fuel power generation1 1,411,155 3,527,887
Fuel Cell Technology5 3,725,862 16,231,755
Functional Ceramics and Inorganics117 53,709,806 167,191,620
Geometry & Topology94 35,037,295 108,405,100
Graphene and Carbon Nanotechnology35 11,354,090 60,973,156
Graphics and Visualisation24 21,325,515 71,610,254
Ground Engineering41 17,591,867 38,543,057
Human Communication in ICT20 16,815,483 57,221,043
Human-Computer Interaction119 84,260,824 302,435,231
Hydrogen and Alternative Energy Vectors51 60,657,195 101,770,718
ICT Networks & Distributed Systems94 58,958,676 203,147,482
Image and Vision Computing68 24,787,167 96,991,870
Information Systems75 44,144,135 147,081,853
Infrastructure and Urban Systems36 31,133,246 60,363,784
Light Matter Interaction and Optical Phenomena38 10,641,767 38,343,228
Logic and Combinatorics53 11,747,354 62,110,373
Manufacturing Technologies263 261,300,049 590,159,433
Marine Wave and Tidal34 37,463,024 70,364,665
Materials Engineering - Ceramics30 13,640,527 51,117,371
Materials Engineering - Composites88 57,692,226 162,493,648
Materials Engineering - Metals & Alloys56 45,071,472 120,081,261
Materials For Energy Applications94 43,299,803 166,926,953
Mathematical Analysis113 35,803,325 113,148,008
Mathematical Aspects of Operational Research4 2,317,949 18,911,167
Mathematical biology36 19,139,069 78,173,578
Mathematical Physics51 14,745,457 68,177,779
Medical Imaging (inc medical image and vision computing)103 104,995,840 200,100,785
Microelectronics Design51 22,254,519 82,494,785
Microelectronics Device Technology79 28,657,062 98,804,911
Microsystems43 11,139,299 48,153,054
Mobile Computing1 53,557 535,566
Music and Acoustic Technology18 10,083,710 27,058,837
Natural Language Processing41 20,155,313 77,375,988
Non CMOS Device Technology2 380,438 849,520
Non-Linear Systems36 7,023,129 55,684,496
Nuclear Fission38 51,076,975 57,419,588
Number Theory26 10,092,317 49,364,642
Numerical Analysis57 28,598,271 94,890,459
Operational Research50 36,887,110 169,298,293
Optical Communications29 26,281,879 76,276,953
Optical Devices and Subsystems77 47,045,970 125,879,490
Optoelectronic Devices and Circuits87 72,598,144 174,228,303
Out of EPSRC Remit48 59,552,092 90,671,453
Particle Physics6 1,268,660 2,574,852
Particle Technology42 21,623,848 94,896,121
Performance and Inspection of Mechanical Structures and Systems70 46,772,621 115,564,484
Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing45 27,154,460 118,512,795
Photonic Materials84 62,084,478 179,092,562
Plasma and Lasers36 38,568,998 45,148,419
Polymer Materials95 37,663,435 155,914,542
Process Systems: Components and Integration93 86,889,655 260,641,004
Programming Languages and Compilers51 17,128,289 70,052,943
Quantum Devices, Components and Systems148 240,158,724 295,774,596
Quantum Fluids and Solids10 4,842,118 8,174,438
Quantum Optics and Information59 23,464,402 64,260,903
Resource Efficiency1 532,269 2,661,343
RF & Microwave Devices37 15,395,931 43,580,113
RF & MW Communications54 37,037,099 101,699,326
Robotics79 64,008,512 193,134,335
Sensors and Instrumentation135 70,048,497 206,436,487
Software Engineering126 47,060,054 171,703,816
Solar System and Space Science1 592,093 592,093
Solar Technology55 42,917,059 61,318,466
Speech Technology14 5,299,958 19,184,885
Spintronics45 20,069,841 67,249,847
Statistics and Applied Probability106 94,764,249 234,964,494
Structural Engineering36 26,561,912 60,844,421
Superconductivity34 14,480,977 34,898,208
Surface Science38 13,010,512 42,680,782
Synthetic Biology48 47,279,369 101,801,149
Synthetic Coordination Chemistry58 23,750,319 70,227,341
Synthetic Organic Chemistry67 49,362,323 139,639,999
Synthetic Supramolecular Chemistry36 11,796,006 49,860,771
Theoretical Computer Science92 34,041,128 104,776,064
Transportation Operations and Management2 741,439 1,114,297
UK Magnetic Fusion Research Programme1 77,400,000 77,400,000
Verification and Correctness79 31,848,271 111,693,171
Vision, Hearing and Other Senses24 9,680,213 28,582,949
Water Engineering22 33,381,570 44,003,396
Whole Energy Systems28 36,224,862 70,986,620
Wind Power29 30,275,636 65,242,689