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EPSRC Support By Organisation in South East

Organisation NameNumber of GrantsValue (£)Website
Diamond Light Source5 703,352 Go to site
Oxford Brookes University1 358,184 Go to site
STFC Laboratories (Grouped)15 8,088,740 Go to site
The Faraday Institution1 7,739,544 Go to site
The Rosalind Franklin Institute5 77,360,320 Go to site
UK Atomic Energy Authority1 77,400,000 Go to site
UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology3 330,411 Go to site
University of Brighton3 3,909,081 Go to site
University of Kent18 7,429,939 Go to site
University of Oxford192 395,910,855 Go to site
University of Portsmouth4 1,687,302 Go to site
University of Reading16 6,913,469 Go to site
University of Southampton136 237,267,194 Go to site
University of Surrey59 78,616,258 Go to site
University of Sussex18 24,368,381 Go to site

Total Number of Grants: 477
Total Value of Grants: £928,083,028