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EPSRC Support By Organisation

Organisation NameNumber of GrantsValue (£)Website
Aarhus University1 97,161 Go to site
Aberystwyth University2 884,561 Go to site
Aston University21 26,286,326 Go to site
Bangor University2 952,923 Go to site
Birkbeck College1 353,354 Go to site
British Geological Survey10 1,927,515 Go to site
Brunel University London29 25,150,668 Go to site
Cardiff University67 97,024,263 Go to site
City, University of London13 15,689,374 Go to site
Coventry University7 3,861,028 Go to site
Cranfield University26 52,535,086 Go to site
De Montfort University1 674,890 Go to site
Diamond Light Source5 703,352 Go to site
Durham, University of70 67,321,087 Go to site
Edge Hill University1 869,031 Go to site
Edinburgh Napier University4 5,140,776 Go to site
EMBL Group1 131,897 Go to site
Energy Systems Catapult1 249,051 Go to site
Friedrich Schiller University Jena2 163,232 Go to site
Glyndwr University1 195,406 Go to site
Goldsmiths College1 331,560 Go to site
Heriot-Watt University68 121,925,416 Go to site
Imperial College London188 364,141,400 Go to site
Institute of Cancer Research2 1,301,055 Go to site
Keele University7 2,485,987 Go to site
Kings College London88 108,565,181 Go to site
Lancaster University56 77,167,465 Go to site
Liverpool John Moores University1 535,566 Go to site
Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine1 1,500,000 Go to site
London Sch of Hygiene & Tropic. Medicine1 518,745 Go to site
London School of Economics & Pol Sci5 1,723,323 Go to site
London South Bank University2 2,091,153 Go to site
Loughborough University60 58,875,613 Go to site
Manchester Metropolitan University5 1,555,839 Go to site
Medical Research Council (MRC)1 287,441 Go to site
Middlesex University1 132,760 Go to site
National Physical Laboratory NPL8 3,164,527 Go to site
Newcastle University65 113,996,231 Go to site
Northumbria, University of16 27,216,002 Go to site
Nottingham Trent University3 1,711,203 Go to site
Oxford Brookes University1 358,184 Go to site
Queen Mary University of London55 46,294,015 Go to site
Queen's University of Belfast39 47,921,416 Go to site
Rothamsted Research1 2,212,924 Go to site
Royal College of Art3 7,935,062 Go to site
Royal Holloway, Univ of London8 12,206,799 Go to site
Sheffield Hallam University6 5,086,042 Go to site
SRUC1 105,195 Go to site
STFC Laboratories (Grouped)15 8,088,740 Go to site
Swansea University42 76,776,494 Go to site
Teesside University2 425,301 Go to site
The Alan Turing Institute5 117,990,785 Go to site
The Faraday Institution1 7,739,544 Go to site
The Francis Crick Institute5 11,174,126 Go to site
The James Hutton Institute1 412,695 Go to site
The Open University14 6,865,854 Go to site
The Rosalind Franklin Institute5 77,360,320 Go to site
UCL202 377,983,756 Go to site
UK Atomic Energy Authority1 77,400,000 Go to site
UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology3 330,411 Go to site
University of Aberdeen11 4,441,087 Go to site
University of Bath77 123,920,228 Go to site
University of Birmingham121 201,036,198 Go to site
University of Bradford1 161,913 Go to site
University of Brighton3 3,909,081 Go to site
University of Bristol130 347,369,263 Go to site
University of Cambridge139 254,817,435 Go to site
University of Central Lancashire1 140,288 Go to site
University of Derby1 104,576 Go to site
University of Dundee13 4,990,779 Go to site
University of East Anglia20 9,121,323 Go to site
University of Edinburgh128 214,204,221 Go to site
University of Essex9 3,344,961 Go to site
University of Exeter58 63,502,145 Go to site
University of Glasgow109 202,064,650 Go to site
University of Greenwich4 1,692,682 Go to site
University of Hertfordshire6 1,440,964 Go to site
University of Huddersfield13 36,915,626 Go to site
University of Hull9 15,662,318 Go to site
University of Kent18 7,429,939 Go to site
University of Leeds100 158,554,475 Go to site
University of Leicester23 19,259,478 Go to site
University of Lincoln14 30,130,826 Go to site
University of Liverpool59 69,284,886 Go to site
University of Manchester, The148 372,123,249 Go to site
University of Nottingham106 203,471,443 Go to site
University of Oxford192 395,910,855 Go to site
University of Plymouth15 15,571,952 Go to site
University of Portsmouth4 1,687,302 Go to site
University of Reading16 6,913,469 Go to site
University of Salford5 15,889,787 Go to site
University of Sheffield126 191,760,356 Go to site
University of Southampton136 237,267,194 Go to site
University of St Andrews46 26,837,133 Go to site
University of Strathclyde75 135,838,873 Go to site
University of Surrey59 78,616,258 Go to site
University of Sussex18 24,368,381 Go to site
University of the West of England7 5,845,512 Go to site
University of Ulster5 2,201,171 Go to site
University of Warwick111 144,558,768 Go to site
University of Westminster3 1,212,607 Go to site
University of York70 127,887,793 Go to site

Total Number of Grants: 3,463
Total Value of Grants: £5,835,566,552