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EPSRC Support by Research Area (Computational & Theoretical Chemistry) in Theme (Quantum Technologies)

Research areas are used to describe EPSRC's portfolio of excellent long term research and high quality postgraduate training.

Grants are classified using one or more research areas. The number and value of grants listed below reflects how the theme portfolio is described by this research area.

Please note: some research areas will appear under multiple themes. There is no unique, absolute, relationship between a research area and a theme.

Grant TitlePrincipal
OrganisationDepartmentTotal Grant
Value (£)
CASTEP-USER: Predictive Materials Modelling For Experimental ScientistsHasnip, Dr PJUniversity of YorkPhysics 541,320
Quantum Enhanced and Verified Exascale Computing - QEVECKendon, Professor VMUniversity of StrathclydePhysics 1,007,642
Supporting research communities with large-scale DFT in the next decade and beyondSkylaris, Professor CUniversity of SouthamptonSch of Chemistry 260,230
Supporting research communities with large-scale DFT in the next decade and beyondHine, Professor NDMUniversity of WarwickPhysics 235,697
Supporting research communities with large-scale DFT in the next decade and beyondMostofi, Professor AImperial College LondonMaterials 297,873
Supporting research communities with large-scale DFT in the next decade and beyondTeobaldi, Dr GSTFC Laboratories (Grouped)Scientific Computing Department 122,659

Total Number of Grants: 6
Total Value of Grants: £2,465,421

The grant value may include the cost of access to facilities (these funds are not awarded to the grant holding organisation).