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Current EPSRC Support by Partner

Partner: Medical Research Council (MRC)

Grant TitleHolding OrganisationValue (£)
Bio-image processing at exascaleUniversity of Cambridge 447,849
Machine learning for extracting spatio-temporal biological patterns on evolving domainsUniversity of Warwick 398,041
Neurotechnology for Chronic PainUniversity of Oxford 944,612
New Approaches to Bayesian Data Science: Tackling Challenges from the Health SciencesLancaster University 2,952,639
UKRI AI Centre for Doctoral Training in Digital HealthcareImperial College London 9,286,672

Total Number of Grants: 5
Total Value of Grants: £14,029,815

The grant value may include the cost of access to facilities (these funds are not awarded to the grant holding organisation).