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EPSRC Support By Socio-economic Theme

EPSRC classifies the research it supports by socio-economic theme. This taxonomy has been used to classify all grants current on 1st January 2003 or received after this date.

Please note that the assignment of a theme to a grant indicates that the theme may apply in whole or in part to the research activity of that grant. This means that the values of grants within a classification should not be totalled to find the total investment in that area or to compare investment between areas of research. The value shown for each grant is always the total awarded, not the proportion attributed to the individual socio-economic theme.
Socio-economic ThemeNumber of GrantsValue (£)
Big Data Analytics23 67,165,725
Climate Change49 94,982,413
CO2Chem GC1 1,530,291
Crime Prevention and Personal Security11 35,428,275
Cross-Disciplinarity and Co-Creation43 115,846,189
Cross-ICT: New and Emerging26 22,997,411
Cross-ICT: Photonics for Future Systems27 48,599,188
Cross-ICT: TI31 362,646
Cross-ICT: Working Together16 18,714,071
Culture15 41,147,913
Data-Enabled Decision Making61 95,012,173
Defence39 120,934,497
Dial A Molecule GC22 39,457,818
Digital Economy97 245,766,974
Digital Economy: Beyond a Data-Driven Economy7 16,321,295
Digital Economy: Content Creation & Consumption10 41,711,139
Digital Economy: Equitable Digital Society20 50,651,322
Digital Economy: Sustainable Digital Society19 43,807,625
Digital Economy: Trust, Identity, Privacy & Security63 133,335,201
Directed Assembly GC5 8,939,522
Energy376 744,807,796
Eng GC - Atoms to applications8 8,761,653
Eng GC - Cities10 25,065,007
Eng GC - Risk and resilience50 81,070,324
Eng GC - Water10 30,206,893
Forensics1 5,903,131
Future Intelligent Technologies61 137,947,417
Health221 379,938,643
Healthcare GC – Developing New Therapies93 172,704,391
Healthcare GC - Expanding the Frontiers of Physical Intervention45 91,760,102
Healthcare GC - Optimising Disease Prediction, Diagnosis and Intervention78 123,032,082
Healthcare GC - Transforming Health and Care Beyond the Hospital111 226,659,891
International Development10 1,519,241
Leisure4 11,451,179
Manufacturing Research295 603,052,584
Mobility11 56,567,737
Nanotechnology51 87,841,971
New and Emerging Areas28 27,649,703
No relevance to Socio-economic Themes1,431 1,290,357,131
People at the Heart of ICT33 32,677,514
Physics GC - Far from Equilibrium10 4,694,238
Physics GC - Nanoscale Design16 21,871,326
Physics GC - Physics of Life27 40,553,103
Physics GC - Quantum Technologies120 128,256,910
Safe and Secure ICT77 117,972,924
Sustainability120 302,441,800
Transport83 186,039,863
Urban Living9 21,041,807
Wealth6 13,527,494

The grant value may include the cost of access to facilities (these funds are not awarded to the grant holding organisation).