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EPSRC Support By Scheme in Standard Research
Organisation: University of Birmingham
Department NameNumber of GrantsValue (£)
Chemical Engineering13 20,378,128
Civil Engineering4 2,997,710
Electronic, Electrical and Computer Eng5 4,940,691
Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences1 632,199
Institute of Immunology & Immunotherapy1 154,795
Mechanical Engineering1 786,972
Metallurgy and Materials3 6,954,936
Sch of Biosciences2 6,540,666
School of Chemistry6 4,176,699
School of Computer Science7 6,703,784
School of Mathematics3 992,514
School of Physics and Astronomy10 35,610,677
School of Psychology1 1,183,466

Total Number of Grants: 57
Total Value of Grants: £92,053,237

The grant value may include the cost of access to facilities (these funds are not awarded to the grant holding organisation).