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EPSRC Support by Socio-economic Theme in Physics GC - Far from Equilibrium

EPSRC classifies the research it supports by socio-economic theme. This taxonomy has been used to classify all grants current on 1st January 2003 or received after this date.

Please note that the assignment of a theme to a grant indicates that the theme may apply in whole or in part to the research activity of that grant. This means that the values of grants within a classification should not be totalled to find the total investment in that area or to compare investment between areas of research. The value shown for each grant is always the total awarded, not the proportion attributed to the individual socio-economic theme.

Grant TitlePrincipal
OrganisationDepartmentTotal Grant
Value (£)
Collective Behaviour in Open Quantum SystemsScarlatella, Dr OUniversity of CambridgePhysics 265,854
Exploiting the European XFEL for a New Generation of High Energy Density and Materials ScienceHigginbotham, Dr AUniversity of YorkPhysics 464,971
Exploiting the European XFEL for a New Generation of High Energy Density and Materials ScienceMcMahon, Professor MIUniversity of EdinburghSch of Physics and Astronomy 659,756
Exploiting the European XFEL for a New Generation of High Energy Density and Materials SciencePickard, Professor CJUniversity of CambridgeMaterials Science & Metallurgy 591,782
Exploiting the European XFEL for a Novel Generation of High Energy Density and Materials ScienceWark, Professor JUniversity of OxfordOxford Physics 115,782
Far From Equilibrium Quantum SimulatorsSzymanska, Professor MHUCLPhysics and Astronomy 850,350
The new intensity frontier: exploring quantum electrodynamic plasmasMangles, Dr SPDImperial College LondonPhysics 506,289
The new intensity frontier: exploring quantum electrodynamic plasmasSarri, Professor GQueen's University of BelfastSch of Mathematics and Physics 375,452
The new intensity frontier: exploring quantum electrodynamic plasmasRidgers, Professor CPUniversity of YorkPhysics 433,628
The new intensity frontier: exploring quantum electrodynamic plasmasMcKenna, Professor PUniversity of StrathclydePhysics 430,374

Total Number of Grants: 10
Total Value of Grants: £4,694,238

The grant value may include the cost of access to facilities (these funds are not awarded to the grant holding organisation).